Family Foam Parties Taking the Joy, Smiles, and Fun Outside!
Invite FoamnFun April through Late October
Do you remember watching the movie version of The Chronicles of Narnia as Lucy steps through the wardrobe, into the snowy wonderland of Narnia, for the first time?
The look of Pure Wonder on her face was Magical!
Welcome to an experience that you can share with your kids that has that Wonder and Magic: A FoamnFun Party!
Brand New: For Larger Events You Can Choose
the Double Cannon Option!
FoamnFun is Perfect
for Your Fun Spring-Summer Days!
The Pure Magic of FoamnFun!
FoamnFun is the Coolest New Activity Ever
for Kiddos and the Whole Family too!
Imagine, if you crossed an imaginary swim party with a pretend snow storm,, and all your guests are raving about it! How cool would that be? That’s the Fun of FoamnFun!
Don’t be surprised if your kids ask “when can we do this again!”

FoamnFun is Awesome for Schools, Libraries, VBS, Reunions, Cookouts, Picnics, Preschools, Church Events, Birthday Parties, and Happy Fun Days!
It's works great in your driveway, parking lot, yard, or playground to take
The Joy, Smiles, and Fun Outside!
Reserve Your Foam Party Today!

"This is The Bubble Bath of my Kid's Dreams!"
Trisha (mother of two)